List an Organization's Teams

GET /api/0/organizations/{organization_id_or_slug}/teams/

Returns a list of teams bound to a organization.

Path Parameters

organization_id_or_slug (string)

The ID or slug of the organization the resource belongs to.

Query Parameters:

detailed (string)

Specify "0" to return team details that do not include projects.

cursor (string)

A pointer to the last object fetched and its sort order; used to retrieve the next or previous results.


<auth_token> requires one of the following scopes:
  • org:admin
  • org:read
  • org:write
curl{organization_id_or_slug}/teams/ \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>'
[ { "id": "48531", "slug": "ancient-gabelers", "name": "Ancient Gabelers", "dateCreated": "2018-11-06T21:20:08.115Z", "isMember": false, "teamRole": null, "flags": { "idp:provisioned": false }, "access": [ "member:read", "alerts:read", "org:read", "event:read", "project:read", "project:releases", "event:write", "team:read" ], "hasAccess": true, "isPending": false, "memberCount": 2, "avatar": { "avatarType": "letter_avatar", "avatarUuid": null } }, { "id": "100253", "slug": "powerful-abolitionist", "name": "Powerful Abolitionist", "dateCreated": "2018-10-03T17:47:50.745447Z", "isMember": false, "teamRole": null, "flags": { "idp:provisioned": false }, "access": [ "member:read", "alerts:read", "org:read", "event:read", "project:read", "project:releases", "event:write", "team:read" ], "hasAccess": true, "isPending": false, "memberCount": 5, "avatar": { "avatarType": "letter_avatar", "avatarUuid": null }, "projects": [ { "id": "6403534", "slug": "prime-mover", "name": "Prime Mover", "platform": null, "dateCreated": "2019-04-06T00:02:40.468175Z", "isBookmarked": false, "isMember": false, "features": [ "alert-filters", "custom-inbound-filters", "data-forwarding", "discard-groups", "minidump", "rate-limits", "servicehooks", "similarity-indexing", "similarity-indexing-v2", "similarity-view", "similarity-view-v2", "releases" ], "firstEvent": "2019-04-06T02:00:21Z", "firstTransactionEvent": true, "access": [ "alerts:read", "event:write", "org:read", "project:read", "member:read", "team:read", "event:read", "project:releases" ], "hasAccess": true, "hasMinifiedStackTrace": false, "hasMonitors": true, "hasProfiles": false, "hasReplays": false, "hasFlags": false, "hasFeedbacks": false, "hasNewFeedbacks": false, "hasSessions": true, "hasInsightsHttp": true, "hasInsightsDb": false, "hasInsightsAssets": true, "hasInsightsAppStart": false, "hasInsightsScreenLoad": false, "hasInsightsVitals": false, "hasInsightsCaches": false, "hasInsightsQueues": false, "hasInsightsLlmMonitoring": false, "isInternal": false, "isPublic": false, "avatar": { "avatarType": "letter_avatar", "avatarUuid": null }, "color": "#6d3fbf", "status": "active" }, { "id": "6403599", "slug": "the-spoiled-yoghurt", "name": "The Spoiled Yoghurt", "platform": "", "dateCreated": "2022-06-24T17:55:27.304367Z", "isBookmarked": false, "isMember": false, "features": [ "alert-filters", "custom-inbound-filters", "data-forwarding", "discard-groups", "minidump", "rate-limits", "servicehooks", "similarity-indexing", "similarity-indexing-v2", "similarity-view", "similarity-view-v2" ], "firstEvent": "2022-07-13T18:17:56.197351Z", "firstTransactionEvent": false, "access": [ "alerts:read", "event:write", "org:read", "project:read", "member:read", "team:read", "event:read", "project:releases" ], "hasAccess": true, "hasMinifiedStackTrace": false, "hasMonitors": true, "hasProfiles": false, "hasReplays": false, "hasFlags": false, "hasFeedbacks": false, "hasNewFeedbacks": false, "hasSessions": false, "hasInsightsHttp": false, "hasInsightsDb": true, "hasInsightsAssets": true, "hasInsightsAppStart": true, "hasInsightsScreenLoad": true, "hasInsightsVitals": false, "hasInsightsCaches": false, "hasInsightsQueues": false, "hasInsightsLlmMonitoring": false, "isInternal": false, "isPublic": false, "avatar": { "avatarType": "letter_avatar", "avatarUuid": null }, "color": "#6e3fbf", "status": "active" } ] } ]
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